- Praise God that we get to own our church building with full scope of renovation. Thank you to everyone who contributed with donations, time and effort so far. 感谢神让我们能够拥有自己的教堂,并完成全面的翻修。感谢所有为此奉献金钱、时间和精力的人们!
- Now with the completion of renovation we have concluded that the final amount we owe is $2.5 million. The debtors are 现在随着装修完工,我们确定最终欠款金额为250万。债务明细如下:
- CS loan $1.4mil (to be paid off in 15 years). CS贷款140万(预计在15年内还清)
- LIVEFIRM renovation $800k (to be paid off in the next 6 years, estimate). LIVEFIRM装修贷款80万(预计在未来6年内还清)
- Interest free loans from DCMC and CCMC $200 k (urgent to be paid off in one year). 来自但尼丁宣恩堂和基督城颂恩堂的无息贷款20万(需在1年内紧急还清)
- Interest free loans from GCMC families $128k (to be paid off in the next 2 years). 来自美恩堂家庭的无息贷款12.8万(预计在未来2年内还清)
- To ensure we are able to serve the debtors above we need $47k per month for the next 18 months. Then left with only Lifefirm and CS loan to serve after that with a lower monthly target ($30k per month). Hence we need everyone’s contribution as a church family for regular donation (weekly, fortnight or monthly). 为了确保我们能够偿还上述债务,我们在接下来的18个月内每月需要筹集4.7万元。之后只剩下LIVEFIRM和CS贷款需要偿还,每月目标金额将降低到3万元。因此,我们需要教会大家庭的每一分子的定期奉献(每周、每两周或每月)。
- FRC are now appealing to the congregation for a pledge reset for the next 18 month starting Jan 25 to help with financial goal setting and planning. FRC has the following pledge suggestion 建堂筹款委员会现正向会众呼吁重新认献,从2025年1月开始的未来18个月内,为财务的规划献上一份力。筹款委员会提出以下捐款建议::
- $100 per week x 100 individual x 4 weeks = $40k per month. 每周$100 x 100人 x 4周 = 每月$40k
- Everyone please pray and complete the online pledge form below by 31st Jan 2025. 请为此祷告,并在2025年1月31日前提交以下认献表。
* This donation pledge supersedes all previous pledges you may have made. 此认献取代您之前做出的所有认献。